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But predictions rather misses little. I think the destruction from the outside. It was from IN. And with additional clones of Brulee anyway. That's a distraction simple plan, but the patent genius. Very Luffy once. Take a look at the reaction of shock Big Mom. Priceless.
The charm of this chapter clearly lies in the heart luluhnya scene Pudding. Demi mustache Gol D. Roger, it was beyond prediction anyone. The killer subdued him only because sebait sincere compliments of the chef. And as usual, the displacement cruel expression Pudding into tears melt feels natural. This is typical of One Pieces all. The surprise was natural.
And, for the sake of beard grating Rayleigh, fortunately prediction came true destruction of wedding cake. At least one that is so real. Because I beneran almost cured guessing short-term scenario for the story of One Pieces. Almost impossible. Even Dogtooth aka Katakuri that he can guess the future just say "I'm not able to do anything". Edan.
Dude, it's vague allusion tablets. Indirectly, Oda want to say, "Dogtooth wrote not be second guessing the future, especially YOU the readers! So stop doing it! "
Ha ha ha ha. Cool. Cool. I like the way this Oda. Salute.
OK, calm, quiet ...
Well, what the moral message of this chapter?
Namely that the person's heart is fickle. In a matter of seconds can. The important thing in the corner of her heart has been touched in tenpat correct. Then transformed heart. Who was the enemy so comrades. Instantly it.
And this has been happening all the One Pieces story. But the most similar example with Pudding is Boa Hancock. He was formerly hated man, immediately fell in love with the captain Luffy. And it could happen only because of the sincere reaction Luffy, minimal ego.
So, look in the mirror of events, whether Pudding will fall in love with Sanji? And Allah knows best.
If it really happens, the chaos in the spire of the Whole Cake will not predictable.
Well ... this is it.
It is he who made the story of One Pieces is often not predictable, that is the element of change of heart. Unpredictable volcano erupts with advanced tools. Solar eclipse can be predicted using mathematics and logic. But the moment of changing the heart, such as love, hate, compassion, and the inclusion of guidance, it is the greatest mystery of the universe, man. Both in our world, as well as in fiction such as One Pieces, both are the same. Equally mysterious! And that's where the beauty!
In the spirit of that, I still retain my old prediction: that Big Mom will be the alliance Luffy. So allies.
All it takes Luffy -Same like Pudding and Hancock- just touch the heart in the right place. In a place where the trauma and wounds of the past still lasting painful. When that happens, the heart will change.
And, indeed, my friend, this formula has happened dozens of times in the story of One Pieces. Because the universe is filled with people who are 'hurt' him. Those who still dragged past. Stray hatred. Slumped sadness. But when his heart is touched, the wound was recovered instantly. The new man was born from there.
Come to think with logic, it is difficult to see the Big Mom melted her heart. But remember what just happened with Pudding. It signaled that a similar incident could happen again. Do not dismiss this possibility.
And, well, after all predictions "Big Mom's alliance" sounds inconsequential, there is no turning back now. I have dozens and dozens of times theorized also broken. If the specified theorized pleasure of accuracy, I would've stopped theorizing from the first. Ha ha.
The main thing is not accuracy, but the process. Dag dig dug waiting for the truth or falsity. It was a much more pleasant sensation.
So, guys, please comment. All for discussion. Awaited sharing brilliant ideas.
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